Part One: Complexity and Ease-of-Use
Is Enhanced 4E more complicated than standard D&D 4E?
The pursuit of simplicity is the primary reason Combat in Motion took four years to complete.The basic outlines of the system had been developed within the first 12 months of the project. The remaining three years were devoted to beta-testing, and refining and honing the rules to their barest essentials. Some early ideas were dropped or compressed when they proved complicating. It was imperative to all involved that the finished system be clear, simple to learn, and easily committed to memory by players. We are convinced the finished product succeeds in being just that.
Enhanced 4E has greater depth than standard D&D 4E alone. Enhanced 4E has a richer tactical landscape, a broader range of combat actions, a far-less restricted turn-order, and a structure that encourages greater player-involvement. It’s more complex than standard D&D but not any more complicated.
Is Enhanced 4E: Combat in Motion easy to learn?
Yes. It is!Combat in Motion is designed to be incorporated into your D&D 4E game chapter by chapter. You can start using part of the system after reading the first chapter and add additional features, layer-by-layer, when you and your gaming group are ready to try them. You will notice that each new layer builds on the one before—working in concert to create the final, complete system.
Enhanced 4E is also modular. That means that you have the freedom to drop any aspect of the system you don’t like—or swap it for a variation of your own devising.
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